Capture moments

Add photos and videos through Apple Photo integration—each moment is a memory.

Present the Stories of a Life

Context adds rich detail, connectivity and discoverability between moments.

Gain Security, Privacy & Permanence

Sharing a PandoVita life is designed to be intimate—with only those who matter most to a user, rather than the mass-exposure of social media.

Participate as a Listener or as a Subscriber

Subscribers can record and share their lives, listeners can receive Moments when tagged by their contacts who have subscriptions.

Hone the innate, urgent desire to capture meaning in our lives

PandoVita supports digital connection in a more human way, allowing for a richer journey as a poignant record is elegantly created.

PandoVita Features


Capture the emotion of a fleeting memory

Capture a moment as an image, gallery or a video, using your camera. Add your story, additional images and who shared it with you while contextual information such as the location, weather and date are recorded. Tag your memory to a collection and allow loved ones to comment, immortalising the emotion of this one moment forever.


Remember those that helped you to create your memories

Link loved ones to each moment you capture, and add your thoughts and feelings about them to immortalise your memory. Let others add their own context and memories to create the most detailed, most human record of your family ever created.


Record the obects that fill the museum of your life

Heirlooms hold a big space in the tapestry of family life, so covet more than just the object, and add the colour of family history by adding your stories, and capturing the item in it’s original glory. Future generations will not only be able to hold onto the past, but learn it’s stories directly from those who lived them.


Organize the interests of your life into themed groups

Life is organized into groups and themes we are drawn to. From sports and hobbies, to work, celebrations, and adventures. These consistent themes encapsulate our memories throughout our life.

COMING SOON:BlockChain Wallet

Preserve everything for your future generations

Securely store you most vital documents in a digitsally encrypted vault powered by the block chain. Use our military grade encryption to securely store your most precious information and safely share it with your loved ones as and when you need to.

Available Now

Pandovita is currently available for iOS, with releases planned for iPad, Desktop, and Android in the very near future. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to hear about new releases

Pandovita is currently available for iOS, with releases planned for iPad, Desktop, and Android in the very near future. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to hear about new releases

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