How will you be remembered?

Capture the magic moments in your life. Make them into memories. Save them to share securely with your loved ones. Forever.

PandoVita is private and secure

Permanent yet intimate, and only seen by those who matter.

As easy as recalling a memory

Entering a Moment can be done in just a few seconds, with options to add context, share securely, and connect into the ongoing timeline of your life.

What's in a name?

Pando (Latin): Tree, Vita (Latin): Life. The Pando is the largest single organism on earth, a colony of genetically identical trees sharing one root system. The Pando system best represents the story of humans and the intersectionality of life and meaning.

We exist to preserve your story.

Our photos and videos live and die on numerous decentralized digital platforms that monetize our data. Our precious moments and memories, are rarely recorded, organized, or shared. For most of us, our descendants will know very little of what we faced, thought, or experienced. We are here to change all that.

A permanent record. A perfect memory

PandoVita is an innovative technology company with a simple, human focus: Give permanence and relevance to the story of a life, while promoting the digital sovereignty and privacy of our customers

For you

Own the digital you . Create a historical record as a digital autobiography. Hold exclusive ownership of all your data, artifacts and documents

For your family

Our unique platform assigns multiple layer, protected cloud space that is owned by you and your family

For our future

Assign Next of Kin to own your account in the future. Pass the memories to future generations

Available Now

Pandovita is currently available for iOS, with releases planned for iPad, Desktop and Android in the veery near future. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to hear about new releases

Pandovita is currently available for iOS, with releases planned for iPad, Desktop and Android in the veery near future. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to hear about new releases